Program Schedule


Tea / Networking Break

Luminary 2 (Auditorium)

Lunch and Prayer Break

Tea Break

Parallel Paper Presentations

Sessions for presenting papers on diverse educational topics: 

Rooms: CBM Building 205, 207, 211, 213, 217, 307, 308, 313

Workshops for Teachers

Empowering Educators: Building AI Competency (AI in Education) [SSK: Training Room 1]
Iqbal as a Great Storyteller for Gen Z [SSK: 502]
Gamification in Education [SSK 2nd Floor: Incubation Center]
Mindfulness: A Superpower for Everyone, Especially Teachers [SSK: 501]

Workshops for Researchers

Quantitative Research (SSK: Training Room 2)
Mix Method Research (SSK: Room 401B)

Action Research Gala (SSK: Amphitheater)

Lunch and Prayer Break

Learning Circles

Talk 1: Future Trends in Education (SSK: Training Room 2)
Talk 2: Aligning Teaching License with Gen Alpha Needs (SSK 2nd Floor: Incubation Center)
Talk 3: Reshaping Teacher Professional Development for Gen Alpha (SSK: 402)
Talk 4: EdTech for All: Bridging the Competency Gap (SSK: 402 B)
Talk 5: Integrating Ethical Tech Use into Early Education (SSK: 401)
Talk 6: Equipping Gen Z Learners with next level Employability Skills (SSK: Training Room 1)

Parallel Paper Presentations

Sessions for presenting papers on diverse educational topics: 

Rooms: CBM Building 205, 207, 211, 213, 217, 307, 308, 313

Workshop for Teachers

Integrating Technology in Early Childhood Education (SSK: Training Room 1)
Innovative Math Teaching: Hands-on Approaches to problem-based learning (SSK: 402B)
Shaping Future Curricula and Classroom Environments for Alpha Generation Learners in Pakistan (SSK: Training Room 2)
The Science and Art of Listening (SSK 2nd Floor: Incubation Center)

Workshop for Researchers

Action Research (SSK: 503)
The Art of Understanding: Exploring Human Experience through Qualitative Inquiry (SSK: 404A)

Closing Ceremony