Call for Abstracts

The Department of Education, IoBM invites educationists, academicians, practitioners, teachers and researchers to put forward their ideas, philosophies and findings at the 2nd International Conference on Education (ICE2023).


  • Universal primary and secondary education
  • Early childhood development and universal pre-primary education
  • Formal, non-formal and technical education
  • Higher Education
  • Edupreneurship
  • Gender equality and inclusion
  • Universal youth literacy
  • Education for sustainable development and global citizenship
  • Communities and practices
  • AI in education
  • Teacher education
  • Curriculum and assessment
  • Teachers as leaders
  • Globalization and education
  • Physical education in practice
  • Education for rehabilitation

Publishing Opportunity: Journal of Education and Educational Development (Y Category)

Abstract submission deadline: October 30th, 2023

Email your abstract to:

Authors’ Guidelines

The authors must adhere to the following guidelines for the submission of their work: Please submit your abstract of approximately 250 words via email as an MS-WORD file to A cover page should indicate the title of the paper, the name(s) of the author(s), their affiliation, and the corresponding author. On acceptance of abstract, a format will be provided for the presentation.

Send your abstracts to:

Deadline: October 30th 2023

Paper Presentation

We welcome novice and experienced researchers to submit their research articles for paper presentation on, but not limited to, the topics above. Through this conference we want to promote the culture of research in Pakistan.

Email your abstract to:

School Case Study

We welcome schools to submit their case studies keeping in mind the theme of ICE-2023 SDG4 – Quality Education. Schools will now get an opportunity to showcase their best practices that helped in uplifting their educational practices. In this slot, NGOs that run schools or deliver education in an informal setting can also showcase their best practices. This will pave the way for others to follow these already used practices and more can be built upon them.

Abstract submission deadline: October 30th, 2023
Email your abstract to: